- Associate Professor, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, 2014–present
- Senior Data Scientist (20%), Haukeland University Hospital, 2020–present
- Postdoctoral researcher (Marie Curie fellow), Advanced Learning Evolutionary Algorithms team, Inria Bordeaux, France, 2013–2014
- Temporary associate professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2011–2013
- Doctoral research fellow, University of Bergen, 2007–2010
- Teaching assistant, University of Bergen, 2003–2007
- PhD, Numerical analysis, University of Bergen, 2011. Thesis advisors: Hans Z. Munthe-Kaas (Bergen), Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard (ICMAT, Spain). Evaluation committee: Martin Bordemann (LMIA, France), Ander Murua (EHU, Spain). Thesis: Lie–Butcher series and geometric numerical integration on manifolds
- MSc. Topology, University of Bergen, 2007. Thesis advisor: Bjørn I. Dundas. Thesis: Higher order cyclic homology for rational algebras
- BSc. Mathematics, University of Bergen, 2005
See my Google Scholar profile for an up-to-date list:
Fully Automatic Whole-Volume Tumor Segmentation in Cervical Cancer
Hodneland E, Kaliyugarasan S, Wagner-Larsen KS, Lura N, Andersen E, Bartsch H, Smit N, Halle MK,
Krakstad C, Lundervold AS, Haldorsen IS
Cancers. 2022; 14(10):2372
Automated segmentation of endometrial cancer on multimodal MR images using deep learning.
Hodneland, E., Dybvik, J.A., Wagner-Larsen, K.S., Solteszova, V., Munthe-Kaas, A.Z., Fasmer, K.E., Krakstad, C., Lundervold, A.,
Lundervold, A.S., Salvesen, Ø., Erickson, B.J., Haldorsen, I.
Scientific Reports, 2021
Fast estimation of kidney volumes and time courses in DCE-MRI using convolutional neural networks
with K. Sprawka, A. Lundervold.
Scientific Paper at ECR 2018, Austria Center Vienna, Austria, Feb. 2018
"Deep learning" i medisin
HMT, 2017/4
Personal grants
Preis für den besten wissenschaftlichen Beitrag in der Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik im Jahr 2019
by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik for the publication An overview of deep learning in medical imaging focusing on MRI, 2020
ERCIM Alain Bensoussan Fellowship (Marie Curie fellowship), 2013
Abel Extraordinary Chair from the NILS Mobility Project, 2009
Meltzerstipend from The Meltzer Research Foundation, 2009
Abelstipend from the Norwegian Mathematical Society, 2005
Carl Johan Storetvedts legat (awarded to "hardworking and talented students at the University of Bergen"), 2004
Membership in scientific societies
Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine, 2018–present
Norwegian Mathematical Society, 2003–present
American Mathematical Society, 2004–present